Thursday, August 1, 2013

Red Panda Story Covered by Media

My most recent blog post, "It's a Boy!", about the birth of baby red panda Zhin-Li at the Binghamton Zoo, was duplicated in the Press & Sun-Bulletin on July 31.

Additionally, on Friday, July 26, the day after the press release at the Binghamton Zoo, Zhin-Li made the front page of the Press & Sun-Bulletin:

Finally, and most exciting of all, Zhin-Li's birth was covered by USA TODAY!


  1. Your baby red panda made the Sacramento Bee, too, mainly because the Sacramento Zoo's baby red panda needs to be hand raised. It's mama was not doing a stellar job. The babies were born around the same time.

    1. If anyone is interested, here is the link to the Sacramento Bee article mentioning the Binghamton Zoo's red panda:
