Friday, July 19, 2013

Traveling to the Urban Jungle to pick up...sheep?

On Wednesday, June 19, I drove to the Staten Island Zoo with fellow Binghamton Zoo keeper Ashley to acquire animals for our new farmyard exhibit. The farmyard at the Binghamton Zoo is getting a face-lift, and we are getting a plethora of animals from around the country to stock this new exhibit. Although the Binghamton Zoo is in upstate New York, surrounded by farm country, Ashley and I drove to Staten Island to pick up three sheep.

You might wonder why in the world we needed to drive three hours to New York City to pick up animals that we can see two minutes down the road? Well, AZA accredited zoos have detailed animal transfer procedures. Like Craig’s List, zoos “surplus” animals they no longer want on a website and advertise for animals they would like from fellow zoos. Zoos are not allowed to receive or donate animals to private institutions or citizens without special circumstantial permits.

Therefore, Ashley and I navigated a rented U-Haul (practically a tractor-trailer!) through the congested, maze-like streets of Staten Island to pick up three sheep for our zoo’s collection. Apparently the Staten Island zookeepers are “Batman” fans, because sheep Bane, Joker, and Robin are now settling into the Binghamton Zoo’s farmyard nicely

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